Explore, Grow, and Share

Make a Donation Today

Transform lives with your donation. Your generosity fuels our mission to feed the hungry and provide for children and families through the innovative technology of our CarePortal within hours, bringing resources and support to people in need. Donating now helps foster spiritual and personal growth bringing people together in-person and online helping them experience a more fulfilling life and a renewed sense of purpose by participating in our Better Life Program, small groups where they can share life with others, and community events.

Your financial support enables us to touch lives locally and expand our Global mission of compassion through online worship services, daily text prayers, and the care and nurture of those seeking something more out of life. Make a difference today. Ignite hope and change countless lives. Donate now.

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Next Ministries

P.O. Box 178444

Chicago, IL 60617

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Online contributions to Next Ministries, which is a church, are considered to be non-refundable. The refund policy for specific events is determined according to the nature of the event. The event refund policy is posted within the event registration form.