Explore, Grow, and Share

About Us

The Ministry

Next Ministries is a local church seeking to make a global impact. When our hearts and lives are transformed for the better by the hope found in Jesus Christ we become ambassadors of change and hope to our loved ones, our communities, and the world around us. Next Ministries has a focus on three areas that will make an impact in our community and the larger world in which we live.

Making Followers of Jesus Christ

We believe it is the responsibility of the church to make followers of Jesus Christ by helping them to tangibly share their faith with others at home, at work, and where they live. We accomplish this by providing simple steps that are achievable for people to live out their faith daily. This happens through worship, study, and the building of real and authentic relationships with people and organizations within your community.

Energizing and Revitalizing Churches

Christian congregations with years of history are facing the challenges of fulfilling their vision because of the changes in modern day communication and the lifestyle of a new generation. We have a commitment to work with other churches and congregations to energize and strengthen them with tools and training to bring the hope of Christ to their communities.

Explore, Grow, and Share

Next Ministries is a place where you can ask questions, go deeper in your faith, and be a light that shines in the dark places of this world. We want to help make the story of God understandable, make faith attainable, and make the Christian life achievable for you.


Next Ministries is a place where you do not have to have all of the answers. It is a safe place to explore who you are and who God is. Very few people have an experience where they believe in Jesus instantly. Most of us have questions and need time to process what we believe. We are here to give you space to explore your questions and take the journey with you.

“Come and see what God has done…” Psalm 66:5 (ESV)


Next Ministries is a place to go deeper. God has made each of us uniquely different. We have different ways we learn. As we get answers to the questions that lead us into faith, we grow into better people shaped by our faith. We are here to help you grow on your journey of faith.

“One thing I do know, that though I was blind, now I see.”   John 9:25 (ESV)


Next Ministries is a place where you can be a light that brightens up our world. We were created for a greater purpose. When we come to faith in Jesus Christ, we see the world differently. You have something within you to share with someone else. We are here to help you be the hope someone needs in their life.

“Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have…” Hebrews 13:16 (ESV)

Supporting Congregations and Organizations

We are grateful to our partner churches and organizations for their support in helping to make the vision of Next Ministries a reality.

Parkview Christian Church

Westbrook Christian Church

Chicago Partnership

New Thing (Thirst Network)

Urban Islands Project

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***Scripture quotations are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®), copyright ©2001 by Crossway Bibles, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved. ***