Explore, Grow, and Share

Better Life Program

We believe everyone deserves a better life. This program is sponsored by Next Ministries to help you improve your life. This is a one year commitment to yourself to make positive changes in your life right now.

What To Expect

The Better Life Program begins with 6 two-hour sessions over 3 months helping you to:

  1. Set and Achieve Goals.
  2. Develop and Implement Your Plan for a Better Life.
  3. Identify and Overcome Obstacles Preventing Your Better Life.

Beyond the 3 month sessions the Better Life Program continues to offer support to help:

  1. Support you in reaching your goals towards a Better Life.
  2. Provide resources to help you achieve your Better Life.
  3. Create a network of support to walk with you towards your Better Life.

Program Dates

For more information about upcoming dates call 872.221.0040.


There is no cost to parents of students in Chicago public schools for the program.


The Better Life Program is currently available through the Chicago Public Schools. The Better Life Program is available to parents in the Chicago Public Schools. If you are interested in participating in the Better Life Program or learning more please fill out the form below.

Live life with a purpose CLICK HERE

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